
Kamias 'Iba' Juice

by - Wednesday, June 17, 2015

Dear Diary, 

Have you ever tried experimenting with food? It's so much fun discovering new ways of preparing and eating food, right? 
So yesterday, I made Kamias or 'Iba' Juice and decided to share to you the recipe.

But first, let me tell you what Kamias is. According to wikipedia, Kamias has a scientific name of Averrhoa bilimbi (commonly known as bilimbi, cucumber tree, or tree sorrel). It is a fruit-bearing tree of the genus Averrhoa, familyOxalidaceae. It is a close relative of carambola tree.

In the Philippines,it is commonly found in backyards. As a matter of fact, we have 2 in our very own backyard. Sometimes we eat the fruits either raw or we dip it on rock salt. We also add it as a souring agent for the common Filipino dish sinigang or pork stew. 

A kamias tree in our very own garden
Since it is quite acidic and of course rich in Vit. C, I tried making it into a cooling beverage.
So here's the recipe:

1. 1 cup Kamias fruit, sliced
2. 1/2 cup sugar
3. 1 Liter Water
4. 2 tbsp honey

You will need:
1. A blender
2. A strainer
3. A pitcher
4. Ice

1. Combine all the Ingredients in the blender
2. Shake until you'll see a frothy, white, substance on top of the mixture
3. Prepare the juice to be transferred to the container and make sure to use a strainer.
4. Add ice and enjoy your Kamias/Iba juice

I hope you get to try this recipe! It's very refreshing and so rich in Vitamin C!

The probinsyana

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